Subtlety is the key when using Lavender in cooking, too much and it feels like you're eating perfume, too little and you loose its majesty.
I’m a believer in cycles and as my last two blogs have been about baking, I thought it apt to follow on with a grand finale of floral heights – yep, you guessed it, loveliest Lavender Kookies! They bring the idea of balance to a new level.
These sweet morsels are so delicate on the taste buds, what better accompaniment to a warm milky drink before bedtime to guarantee a peaceful and deep sleep?
These sweet morsels are so delicate on the taste buds, what better accompaniment to a warm milky drink before bedtime to guarantee a peaceful and deep sleep?
Lavender carries pleasantries amongst her purple buds, it helps say adios to insomnia and relieves both anxiety and depression. Wonderful news then for combating winter blues. One extra beauty to bear in mind, during the plagues in France, many moons ago, French glove makers laced Lavender on their mittens and with its antiseptic properties, those who wore them were apparently among the lucky survivors! Phew! What a relief.
Special tip - Every cookie deserves a home. Find a sturdy jar, for a clearly cookie only zone, and create a happy corner in your kitchen.
Special tip - Every cookie deserves a home. Find a sturdy jar, for a clearly cookie only zone, and create a happy corner in your kitchen.
So to health and happiness and Lavender Lullabies, with the Loveliest Lavender Kookies, of course!!! ;-)
Lovely Lavender Kookies
Makes 10 biscuits
Rice flour 60g
porridge oats 60g
baking powder 1tsp
lavender 2 tsp
sweet freedom 60g
Butter 60g
Vanilla essence 1 tsp
PRE-HEAT oven to 350F 180'/ gas 4.
MIX rice flour, oats, baking powder and lavender in a bowl.
MELT butter, sweet freedom and vanilla essence in a small saucepan.
POUR into bowl and mix everything well with a wooden spoon.
SPOON dsp dollops of the mixture onto a non-stick baking tray/ or one lined with baking parchment.
MOULD into shape of your choice.
BAKE for 10-12 minutes.
REMOVE from oven and leave to cool on tray for five minutes.
DAINTILY enjoy . . . . zzzzzzzzz